Jack Lim agent photo

Jack Lim

Associate Division Director
CEA: R004438I
Estate Agency Lic. No.:L3002382K

Area Of Specialization

Private Condo Sales/Rental
Commercial Sales/Rental
Landed House Sales/Rental
HDB Sales/Rental


当我 受邀 为 Mr Jack Lim 提名SAEA Best Client service时, 我非常乐意推 荐我这位杰出的
产业顾 问, 褒扬他卓越的服务素质:
1. Jack Lim 是我过去所有替我投资产业经纪中最令我满意的一位专业人氏.
2. 他在新加坡为我购买三个单位时,我大多时间在国外. 他很专业和谨慎的为我承办
3. 在我未向他承若何决定时,他竟亲身赴香港几天向我展现和分析了所有资料.
4. Mr. Jack Lim 未辜负顾客对他的信讬:
我全权 委托他安排贷款,他为我向多家银行争取最佳的利率,最终,向我推荐了少有
人知的 SOR rate配套, 在我同意后,他又向银行再进一步争取了另0.05%的优惠 - 十多万的贷
息.可是后耒我才知道,最难能所贵的是他牺牲自己可得的利益; 因为争取这优惠的配套,银行未
能给他任何推荐费- ($12,000+)
5. 在屋子成交后, Jack lim 还花费了好几个星期协助我们购置家具用品,清洁和搬迁. 甚
至还两次提供几个星 期的临时工人协助我们.
Mr. Jack Lim 如此少有的卓越服务,令我和家人都感欣慰,真正体现了他的座 右铭 :
诚信, 专业, 尽责 和敬业乐业 Sincerity, Profession, Responsibility and Dedication!
祝 贺贵公司拥有如此杰 出人材 !
Lim Lay Leng
Dear Mr. Donald Yeo
When I was invited for the SAEA Best Client Service nomination, I'd highly recommended my illustrious advisor – Mr. Jack Lim. I wish to compliment on his excellent quality of service:
1. Jack Lim is the best consultant among all my investment property consultancies.
2. When I purchased three properties in Singapore, I was abroad most of the times, I appointed Jack Lim to process the whole transactions which he had done in such a professional way.
3. Before I had made any decision, he spent a few days trip to meet me in Hong Kong. He also provided and analyzed all the information to me.
4. Mr. Jack Lim did not let down the trust from the customer: After I authorized him to arrange the bank’s loans, he had gone through numbers of banks to obtain the best interest rates. Ultimately, he recommended to me a SOR rate that much better than the common SIBOR rate in the market. This helped me to save a tidy sum of money. Furthermore, after my consent to the ...
Lim Lay Leng
..... bank rate offered, what a pleasantly surprised that he even went to extent to negotiate with the Bank another 0.05% lower.
However, I later realized that he had sacrificed his own interests; as the bank would not paid him any referral fees (S$12,000+) due to the special rate that banker had offered to me.
5. Jack Lim spent several weeks helping my old age brother to look for furniture, cleanup the house and moved into the new house. He even provided his wife’s relative from Vietnam to help us during TOP period.
My family and I were happy with such rare excellence services form Mr. Jack Lim who truly reflects his Own Service Principal: Sincerity, Profession, Responsibility and Dedication!
I sincerely thank to your company providing me such an excellent staff
Lim Lay Leng

招牌的背带,招牌的啤酒肚,招牌的Teochew手机铃声,招牌的微笑. 每当他远远向你走来,你总忍不住想偷笑,因为他摇摇摆摆的模样像足了那憨态可掬的father Christmas. 每当他静静地坐在你的面前,拿出他的IPAD,帮你仔细计算budget,你总忍不住暗自庆幸---自己找对了agent,自己找到了放心!这就是我们眼中的traditional Singapore uncle---HSR agent Jack Lim.

我和我的老公都来自中国上海.初来乍到,新加坡的生活对于我们而言,就像一个五味瓶,尝尽人生的酸甜苦辣. 2009年的农历新年,我们怀揣着美好的梦想,开始了我们的买屋安家之旅.不知看了多少间千奇百怪的组屋,不知换了多少个年轻气盛的agent,我的感觉是---在新加坡找间合适的屋子比找一个好老公要难得多!!!也许真应验了uncle口中常挂着的那一句话---虔诚的主会帮我们解决一切问题. 2009年4月6日,我的好朋友给了我uncle Jack的电话. 2009年4月9日, uncle带我们看了七间屋子.说来也怪,他带我们看得屋子总觉得顺眼的多.2009年4月17日,我们签单了!!! 本只能置购一间四房式的预算, 在 uncle神奇的分析与安排下, 一切都那么顺理成章---confirm our 5 room favourite house, second view, negociate the price, close, put deposit, make first appointement, completion, move into our new house. Everything looks so easy with our agent! 今年,我们在uncle的帮助下,成功地卖掉了我们的组屋, upgrade to私人屋子. 怎么样?是不是很不

可思议?是不是感觉像在拍电影?没错!用uncle的话说就是主一直在我们身边帮助我们. 拜托,uncle!你让我们虔诚地感谢主,我们倒是更愿意相信你常挂在口中的口头禅---你们放心! uncle很专业的!如果和你只是朋友,我没有办法告诉别人你是怎么个专业法.可是这三年来我们相处的点点滴滴,可以让我们很郑重地告诉身边每一个人你的专业,你的负责,你的态度.
Chen Min / Zhang Liying
要说年纪和辈分,我们的agent可是名副其实的uncle.我俩三十出,uncle年近六十.可我们就是欣赏他一点---从不倚老卖老!他给我们建议,但从不给我们任何压力.记得第一次买房,我们选中的屋子其实是超出了我们的预算.uncle告诉我们这间五房式组屋的优点是一屋龄新,二保养好,三地点佳,更重要的是价格超值, 值得考虑.他可以帮我们争取更高的银行贷款,但我们绝对需要冷静考虑三天.如果三天后,我们还是坚持自己的选择,uncle一定会帮你们打点得妥妥当当.要知道我们的父母亲戚全在中国,那时的uncle可以说是我们唯一可以信赖的长辈.他给与我们的意见是中肯的,没有催我们尽快签单,也没有怂恿我们买贵的屋子.单凭这两点,我们就已知道uncle的为人和处事准则.
在拿这次我们的卖屋经历来说, uncle告诉我们估价的重要,要 我们必须将屋子搞整洁, 可是我们都朝七晚五, 那有时间? 结果前所未闻, uncle 尽全家出动, 用了一天时间大扫除, 将家里改头换面, ha! uncle 中介并清洁工人. 在open house day,很不巧我们有会议在国外.所以,在我们走之前,我们把锁匙交给了uncle.由于彼此的信任,我们在出发前就已订下了售卖底价. 一切由他全权负责. 第二天下午,我们就接到了他的国际漫游电话,他询问我们买家的出价是否愿意接受?因为出价已经越了我们的要求,我们告诉uncle愿意接受.谁知十分钟后,好消息又有传来---uncle又帮我们多要到了整2000!哇! 并超越本区域的溢价纪录许多. 多令人振奋的好消息!我们身在国外,之所以很放心地交给我们的uncle.知道为什么吗? 因为心底告诉我们---你们可以这么做! 他绝对是一个可伩赖的中介 !

要说我们的uncle 那老毛病"健忘"可真是让人伤透了脑筋.让他边喝水边和我们说事,他常常忘了那水就放在他面前.让他记得出门带好雨伞,他常常还是忘了带伞下车.可你别说,有些事,真神了,你都忘了,他还记得!每年我和老公的生日,他的生日祝福总是第一个送到(对了,还有味道相当可以的生日蛋糕). 买屋三年后,他还会打电话提醒你记得换更划算的银行贷款配套(本人认为,要做到这点实属不易.毕竟人家不只我一个customer嘛).每次带我们看房,他......
Chen Min / Zhang Liying
,....总会从裤袋里掏出他的小梳子打理好他的头发,以最佳状态出现在我们面前(uncle其实你已经很帅了,这样做,让你的形象更出位!)还有还有,每次坐他的车去看房,他的车总是打扫得干干净净,车上还常备各种小零食供你随便解闷(他总是谦虚地说是他孩子随便放的)用心做的,uncle你不说,别人都会切切实实地感受得到!差点忘了问大家一下---你见过最古老的那种铁盘指南针吗? 这年头,人人都在用ipnone看屋子的朝向.嘿,咱uncle就不随大溜.咱uncle就掏出他的秘密武器---袖珍铁皮指南针给你确定屋子的


话说回来,我一直在琢磨一个问题---买卖屋子这行,agent来来去去太平凡.经常听朋友抱怨他的agent刚帮他买了房,怎么一转眼就跑去做什么保险中介,连个善后都不知道该去找谁?可咱uncle为什么在这行像颗常青树,屹立不倒呢?直到这次卖房,我终于找到了答案.uncle卖房的武器可真不少: 彩页展示架,贵宾签到本,意见留言本,一个可折叠的多功能展示台,几百元的航海指南针,还有他自备的给来宾们的糖果.uncle这种严谨的工作态度很好的诠释了一句名言―――Attitude decides your altitude. 欣赏了 uncle的传单, 深深的体会传单上的 :
诚伩 ,专业, 尽责, 敬业 八字的真谛, 都在 uncle的服务中展现出来.打了 8 333 5757, 福气就上门来!
一年一度的国庆日快到了.uncle,千言万语的感谢,我们就送上一句国歌的歌词吧―――Majurah,Singapura. Majurah, Uncle Jack!
Chen Min / Zhang Liying
我俩年达 70多, 衷心向贵公司赞 扬这位杰出的产业经纪向我们提供卓越的专业服务外, 更感谢他充满温馨人情味的服 务:
1.为了 能提高 租户对屋子的观感, 亲自带家人帮助我们清理屋子两天和修补家里的部份损坏.
2.从头到尾为我办妥一切手续. 还 载我去做singpass.

Both of us 70+ , hereby sincerely to extol the outstanding agent form your company. Mr. Jack who had providing us with excellent professional services and more thankful to his full of warm human touch :
1. In order to improve tenants ' perception of the house, Jack personally helped us clean up the House for two days with his family and repair some of the damaged parts.
2.He took me to do the SingPass and moving house.
Of course, more important was found for the perfect tenants and good rental.
Lim Koon Meng /Lim Gek Kim
Blk 148 Woodlands St 13 #12-831 S730148
多年耒看了不少带领朋友买屋的中介, 和经友人推介的这位林先生作个对比, 才发现如此的差异.
第一天看屋, 立即喜欢上第一间屋子,也同意屋主的价格. 满以为林先会急不可待的準備签约.那知林先生拉我到一旁,劝我莫急,说 道随后还有几间屋子可看,别急著下决定 , 既使后面几间不合心意, 至少也可做个比较, 买了心里也踏实.並信心十足的说回头这间屋子肯定尚未出手. 经过十多分钟的商讨, 我不很甘心的听他的. 结果证明林先生是对的.
看了阥后几间, 果然其中一间较之前更是我俩所爱.更是一级捧! 谁知屋主吊价不放. 说己有人出价.
次日, 和爱人商讨后,情願出高予屋主之前的要价购下. 林先生又是不急不徐的叫我勿急, 给他几天时间和卖主周旋. 我心中不爽的暗咒怎咁的就碰著你这慢朗中? 有$ 不赚 ?
棒! 两天后, 双喜臨门, 林先生不仅让屋主拍板答应卖给我俩 所喜爱的屋子,还为我省下了壹万弍!
我们不用金钱来衡量林先生的服务, 谨以林先生如此超然的服务心态和素质, 值得高度褒扬! 也更促进我们欲长居新加坡之心.
也多谢 林先生考虑到我俩次 日需上班, 每次在深夜送我 们回到金 文泰后再老 远 的回到义顺.
Mr. Jack Lim was my family property agent.
He helped my family and my father-in-law to buy, sell and rent out since May 2008.
I had just called him yesterday to look for me another investment unit. Why choose him again as well as he never give us any discount for the agent fee?
Because he :
1.Always fulfill his promise.
2.24 hours service like 7-eleven and good response after commission had paid.
3.Professional, responsible and full of human warmth. (人情味 )
4.Kindness to help the terrible tenant who got so many problems, but unfortunately played out by the bad tenant.
5.Provided his maid helped my wife to dress up my rental unit.
The reason is also why I written this nominate letter: This agent’s service is worth for $$$ !
Chng Poh Meng / Chew Hwee Cheng

To HSR International Realtors Pte Ltd
HSR Buliding. 3 Lorong 4 Toa Payoh #01-01
Re : Excellent service from Mr. Jack Lim W. H.
Last year July, Mr. Jack Lim helped my family to rent a wonderful house to stay.
He assisted us to purchase some furniture before we moved in. Additional, he provided us lots of useful professional advice for purchasing a house in future.
During our stay, whenever we requested some service from him, he’ll turn up without any delay. Especially when the television was broken down and unable to repair, he was so kind to provide his own 42” LED tv for us for the last 10 months.
After one year tenancy last month, we moved to the new house without consulted Mr. Lim, but, he still helped us to gain the benefit from the old landlord.
My family feel very grateful for the excellent service from Mr. Jack Lim. Wishing him to win
his award !
Nobel Chacko Mathew

Credentials and Awards

SAEA Real Estate Excellence Awards
2011Best Client Service Gold Award 全国 最佳客户服务獎 - 金奖
2011 Best Salesperson nominee 全国 最佳销售额员提名
2011 HSR top 1st Lister 最佳销售员 - 第一名
2011 HSR top 2nd Producers 最佳业绩员 - 第二名
HSR SAEA Real Estate Excellence Nominee Awards 2009
HSR Top 5th Lister of year 2010
HSR Top 1st Lister of year 2011
HSR Top 2nd Achievers of year 2011
HSR Multi-Million Dollar Producers
HSR Prestige Club Member

Who Am I?

I move on to HSR in April 2008, as HSR is “The #1 Real Estate Company” which was also the turning point in my career path.

I make a commitment, not to be tempted by unprofessional practices and have a personal code of conducts to rely on:

Sincerity, Professionalism,
Responsibility & Dedication
( 诚信 专业 尽职尽责 敬业乐业 )

I accepted Christ and belief his righteousness is in me and I served my clients with utmost sincerity.

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