SRX Community

Welcome to your neighbourhood community

Ever needed to communicate with your neighbours but don't know them? Would you like to instantly connect to your community and keep up with what's going on in your neighbourhood? Now you can.

Now you can.

SRX Community is here!
SRX Community is here!
What's happening in your community!
How it works
When you track a home in mySG Home, we automatically give you access to the communities relating to that address. Don't worry-your personal information is not revealed to the community.
There are three community levels for each address
  1. The Planning Area for your address
  2. The Subzone for your address
  3. Your condo for private homes or block for HDB
As an SRX Community member, you'll also get to see the latest on property listings and transactions in your communities, so you'll be right on top of what's going on in your local property market
Sign up to track up to three homes now and join your local communities!
SRX Community is only available on the SRX App. Download now!