Samuel Eyo holds post-graduate degree in Master of Business Administration from The University of Hull and Diplomas in Marketing and Management as well as in Civil Engineering. He has over than 20 years of experience in the Real Estate business, having built a good reputation and wealth of experience leading him to his previous appointment as General Manager, Sales in Wing Tai. He specialises in the asset and wealth management of ultra-high net worth individuals in the high-end luxury private residential market. His past achievements include the conclusions of several significant Good Class Bungalow deals which include one in Victoria Park at $48 million and another in the Cluny Road area at $33 million at a record breaking land rate psf. He is also a regular figure in the Singapore media sharing his opinions on Business Times, Straits Times, The Edge, Channel News Asia, CNBC, Lianhe Wanbao and Channel 8’s ‘Good Morning Singapore’ live programmes on various real estate topics covering Good Class Bungalows, private residential and HDB markets and on policy issues affecting the property market.
Samuel Eyo毕业于英国赫尔大学,获工商管理硕士学位,并持有市场营销与管理和土木工程双文凭。他凭藉20多年丰富的房地产从业经验和良好的声誉,赢得了佳士得国际地产(住宅项目)新加坡地区董事总经理的职位。他以资产和财富管理见长,其客户主要为高端豪华私人住宅市场的超高净值人士。