A TOP ACHIEVER in the REAL ESTATE BUSINESS, I can help you choose the "right" property in Singapore - whether you are an experienced investor, a first time buyer or a foreigner looking to move into Singapore. My services cover you through the whole process - finding the property, negotiating the best price, making an offer and closing the sale/lease. PROPNEX TOP 200 PRODUCERS 2010/11/12 TOP 10 MANAGER 2010/11/12 HUTTONS ASIA TOP 50-150 PRODUCERS 2013/14/15/17/18/19/20/21
Who Am I?
Personally experienced a few tops and troughs of Singapore's real estate industry......the challenges and thrills that come with assisting clients sniff out the BEST investment / home for them is an experience that is HARD to come by.....which is why I am choosing a business in REAL ESTATE! If you are passionate about starting your own business in REAL ESTATE and wants to be amongst the BEST in this industry, work with the BEST and like they said, the REST IS HISTORY.....