Connie Fung agent photo

Connie Fung

Senior Associate Marketing Director
CEA: R000188D
Estate Agency Lic. No.:L3008022J

Who Am I?

A devoted mother who believes success & happiness are not matters of chance but choice.

She epitomizes uncompromising integrity, hard work & lifelong learning. In her 15 years spent in construction industry, she witnessed the rise & fall of businesses due to complacency which ultimately kills passion.

Determined to defy complacency, she stepped into the ever evolving & challenging real estate industry, where she found her passion in helping people, she received genuine satisfaction from helping clients find the perfect home or sell their property at the right price. With her passion & extensive market knowledge in real estate business, she forms close-knit family relationship with every client ensuring seamless assistance to their real estates transactions.

Thanks to her exceptionally loyal clientele, referrals and repeat business form the foundation of her career.

My Active Properties

Regions Coverage
Core Central Region
Rest Central Region
Outside Central Region
Rest of Central Region
- Agent has an Exclusive in this Region

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