Ros Salleh agent photo

Ros Salleh

Associate Division Director
CEA: R024944D
Estate Agency Lic. No.:L3008022J

Area Of Specialization

Landed House Sales/Rental
Commercial Sales/Rental
Private Condo Sales/Rental
HDB Sales/Rental


It's the best people you engaged into this business of after sale services are important. Thats provide you the most optimistic reputation and integrity over the years. This is my sincere words of compliment. Ross Thanks.
Starry Lim
Moving, especially from an apt I have called home for 20 years of my life AND putting it on the rental market were the most stressful experiences I could ever have. I was fortunate to have Ros for my agent. She sized up potential tenants and her professionalism gave me assurance that my apt was in good hands. She took the initiative to help me find buyers for many of my stuff on Carousel and arranged for different contractors to do various jobs to get it ready for the tenants. What makes it even more encouraging is that she assured me that she will continue to act as my agent for matters related to my apt and tenants even though she is not required to contractualy. Yes, you may call Ros a REAL ESTATE ANGEL - Thanks a million, Ros.
Clementine Yap
As owner of industrial properties, we rely very much on the support of property agents in getting us best values for our property. Ros is among one of them whom I found pleasure working with.

Ros friendly and cheerful disposition, couple with her integrity and reliable service, had made our association with her a rewarding experience.
Foo K J, Director, Bin Keow Brickworks Pte Ltd.
I'd like to express my thanks to Ros for helping with the searching of the house. Apart from the uncertainty of the process, which need a bit of luck to find the house that match my needs, I have found the searching journey enjoyable. Unlike some agents which I have met before, Ros has not rushed me into making decision. She took time, brought me to various houses and projects in order to make me know more about the housing markets. At the same time, she was also getting to know more about my needs. The most critical ones, she said, should not be compromised. I have been quite particular about road noise and Ros has considered this before bringing me to see the houses. Finally, at the end of the first month, we managed to find the one suitable for me. Thank you, Ros, for helping me with the house purchasing and for making this process an enjoyable one.
Pham - Vietnamese PR
Hi Ros
Thank you so much with the assistance you have rendered to me for the purchase of my resale flat and your excellent attempt to get a home loan within a short period of time and really appreciate your kindness and professional service and keep it up yeah?!
Best Regards
Junaini Ramat

Credentials and Awards

Multiple Top Producer From Year 2009-2016
A member of million dollar club

Who Am I?

My experience in the Real Estate Industry dates back to 1998, when my priority was and still is to serve my clients with integrity and making sure their satisfaction comes first.

It is also important to me that my clients are able to afford their dream home.

I am committed to working closely with my clients, identifying and understanding their needs, and fostering a long-term relationship with them. Their unwavering support is the reason I now enjoy a string of regular clients and success in the real estate industry.

If you have any enquiries, feel free to drop me a line today and we will discuss how best to meet your property needs.

My Transactions (Private Properties)

Core Central Region
Rest of Central Region
Outside Central Region
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My Active Properties

Regions Coverage
Core Central Region
Rest Central Region
Outside Central Region
Rest of Central Region
Outside Central Region

My Active Hdb Listings

- Agent has an Exclusive in this Region

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