Edwin Lee agent photo

Edwin Lee

CEA: R058095G
Estate Agency Lic. No.:L3008022J

Area Of Specialization

Private Condo Sales/Rental
HDB Sales/Rental

Who Am I?

Dear friends and valued clients,

Thanks for your time visiting my page.

We are the largest real estate team in Singapore - Powerful Negotioter, and I am with this team since my first day in real estate career.

My main area of focus are residential properties, and we pride ourselves as a wealth consultant. We assist our clients to grow their wealth through asset progression with our proven techniques, making sure things are done correctly, safely and swiftly.

Spotting higher upside potential properties and potential savings (lower renovations costs, etc) are some of of key strategies to gain attractive yield. I shared many other viable tips with my clients during meet up, too. With the latest market big data on hand, I can provide you with useful advice.

Add values | Wealth Progression Through Properties | PropNex - Service You Trust

Contact me at 87865566 today for an non-obligated discussion!!!

Edwin Lee

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