Commercial properties for Rent in/near 117315, 102 Commercial properties for Rent Page3

102 Commercial for Rent near 117315.

Office 1.35 km away
1,491 sqft / $4.80 psf(Built)
Infinite Studios (21 Media Circle)
Light Industrial (b1) 1.35 km away
1,952 sqft / $2.20 psf(Built)
Media Circle
Food And Beverage 1.82 km away
1,410 sqft / $14.18 psf(Built)
Alexandra Central
Food And Beverage Built-1930 1.82 km away
1,248 sqft / $14.42 psf(Built)
Alexandra Central
Shop 1.82 km away
151 sqft / $16.56 psf(Built)
Alexandra Road
Shop Built-2012 2.22 km away
140 sqft / $13.57 psf(Built)
Alexandra Road
Shop 1.82 km away
161 sqft / $10.56 psf(Built)
Alexandra Road
Factory 1.07 km away
2,475 sqft / $3.95 psf(Built)
1.39 km away
4,994 sqft / $8.00 psf(Built)
Alexandra Point
Industrial 1.45 km away
10,602 sqft / $5.30 psf(Built)
Media Circle
1.82 km away
161 sqft / $11.80 psf(Built)
Alexandra Road
1.41 km away
990 sqft / $6.80 psf(Built)
Alexandra Road
1.39 km away
1,625 sqft / $8.00 psf(Built)
Alexandra Point
Grade A 1.39 km away
1,034 sqft / $6.00 psf(Built)
Alexandra Road
Industrial 1.24 km away
5,000 sqft / $6.00 psf(Built)
1.88 km away
3,067 sqft / $6.80 psf(Built)
Fusionopolis Walk
Factory / Workshop (b2) 1.26 km away
35,553 sqft / $1.70 psf(Built)
Industrial 1.1 km away
398 sqft / $4.71 psf(Built)
Teletech Park
Factory 1.07 km away
1,068 sqft / $3.95 psf(Built)
Shop 1.82 km away
151 sqft / $13.11 psf(Built)
Alexandra Road
2 listings selected